Partnering with Krapf School Bus
Turning your transportation needs over to Krapf can solve many challenges
Some people call it outsourcing, but we call it mission focus. By having Krapf as your transportation partner you are free to focus on your mission of educational excellence. Krapf School Bus has been providing safe, reliable student transportation since 1942 – it’s what we do, and it’s a valued and trusted partnership you can rely on.
Partnering FAQs
Why it makes sense to contract with Krapf School Bus
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about partnering with Krapf School Bus for transportation services. Click on the questions that are of interest to you. Please contact us if you have additional questions.
Can I contract with Krapf School Bus for only part of our transportation services?
Yes. Many larger districts and organizations contract a portion of their transportation services in order to have a yardstick by which to measure their own costs. Because Krapf School Bus has extensive experience in transportation of special needs passengers, pre-school children, and the developmentally challenged, we have been chosen to provide only the special needs transportation for some of our clients. Also, some aspects of the total service package have been handled by the school district. Routing is an example of one of the service elements that can be performed by either Krapf or the district.
How can Krapf School Bus help a small or rural district or board?
Often small districts can benefit the most from using Krapf School Bus. We provide these districts and boards with many advantages, including comprehensive preventative maintenance, excellent safety programs, and much more. By using Krapf School Bus, the cost savings alone can be considerable, not to mention the gains in efficiency and community satisfaction.
How can Krapf School Bus reduce our costs and still earn a profit?
Student transportation has been our primary focus for over 75 years. Through years of experience, economies of scale, comprehensive preventative maintenance, the use of newer buses, and constant innovation in operating methods, Krapf School Bus can reduce transportation costs and still remain profitable. Krapf School Bus will manage your transportation operations with the same enthusiasm and care with which your district educates students and provides for its consumers.
Does contract transportation service need to be competitively bid?
Whether contract transportation service requires a competitive bidding process varies from state to state and even from region to region. In many areas, however, a competitive bid is not required. Rather, the board may solicit one or more proposals and decide which provider offers the best service package, taking into consideration price, past performance, experience, quality and customer references. The proposal process allows the board the maximum discretion in choosing a transportation provider with cost being only one of several factors to be considered. As in many cases, services provided at the lowest cost are not usually provided with the highest quality.
How do I determine how much our district or board really spends on transportation?
Determining your real transportation expense is not as easy as examining your district transportation budget. Many districts do not account for depreciation of their buses and facilities or the costs of shared administrative positions or utilities. In addition, there are the capital and repair expenses of facilities, computers, radios, and other equipment, plus expenses associated with pool-based benefits, such as worker’s compensation, healthcare coverage, and liability insurance. Krapf School Bus has a thorough process by which we work with the district or board to identify its total current transportation cost. Our study also examines the district or board’s transportation reimbursement.
How do I maintain control and enhance quality by partnering with Krapf School Bus?
It all comes down to the rules of the marketplace. Competition demands that Krapf School Bus continuously respond to your needs, because if we don’t, you will find another provider who will. This has been our business for over 75 years and we are highly motivated to ensure that our customers are completely satisfied. Krapf School Bus is very agile and can deal quickly and fairly with the challenging operating issues that transportation offices encounter. Krapf School Bus also can quickly add or modify routes, as well as provide extracurricular transportation to respond to the changing needs of your district or board. Our emphasis on service excellence and customer responsiveness ensures that our customers retain full control in achieving their transportation objectives.
If I contract with Krapf School Bus, what happens to our current employees?
In most cases, most if not all existing employees are offered employment at comparable wages and benefits. Krapf rigorously adheres to its own standards for safety and customer service as well as state driver qualifications and background check requirements.
If I contract with Krapf School Bus, what happens to our current fleet of buses?
There are a number of options available. In most cases, Krapf School Bus would purchase the existing fleet, providing you with additional funds to invest elsewhere. Another option would be when a school district or organization contracts with Krapf School Bus, the board continues ownership of the existing buses and Krapf School Bus provides for new model-year vehicle purchases. One of the advantages of contracting with Krapf School Bus is that we can update your fleet immediately, eliminating the need of the district to make the large capital investment in equipment. Any buses placed into service by Krapf School Bus will always be made available to the board for repurchase at the depreciated value should it wish to resume providing its own service.
If I contract with Krapf School Bus, what happens to our existing transportation facility?
Most often, Krapf School Bus will continue to operate from the board’s facility and lease it from the board. If the facility needs to be upgraded or expanded, this can be included in the Krapf School Bus proposal. Also, Krapf School Bus usually purchases the existing inventory.
In what areas can Krapf School Bus help school districts and organizations save money?
With Krapf School Bus, school districts and organizations can realize savings in many areas of operation. For example, Krapf School Bus provides an extensive preventative vehicle maintenance program, operates newer, more efficient vehicles, provides outstanding safety training, and conducts ongoing route review to assure optimal responsiveness and efficiency. Our expertise, including the services of our management staff and drivers, often can be shared among several districts or organizations, thus further reducing costs. Also, Krapf School Bus often can help districts increase their state reimbursement through efficiency improvements in routing.
Why do school districts and organizations contract their bus service?
School districts and organizations who contract with Krapf School Bus often can realize substantial cost savings, reduced administrative time, enhancements in school bus safety and training programs, and greater efficiency. Other benefits include an updated bus fleet and an improved maintenance program, as well as increased control and flexibility to respond to the changing needs of their communities. Additionally, contracting provides excellent cost containment and more consistent longer term budgeting.
Why would I want to partner with Krapf School Bus if our transportation system already runs well?
You may want to consider partnering with Krapf School Bus in order to reduce costs, increase flexibility, and reduce the fragmented priorities of your district or board’s administrative staff. When your district or board partners with Krapf School Bus, the administrative staff can concentrate on education and employment options, knowing that transportation is expertly and professionally handled.
Will our district or board state reimbursement change if we partner with Krapf School Bus?
In most states, the reimbursement your district or board receives will not decrease under any circumstances. Krapf School Bus will review the current reimbursement application and work to maximize the revenue to the district or board through efficient routing. Typically, districts and boards who contract for their transportation services receive their special needs and parochial/private capital assistance in a different, more advantageous form. Reimbursement received is applied to Krapf School Bus invoices.
Rent a School Bus
A unique and affordable way to go
When your group or organization is planning its next outing, depend on Krapf School Bus to provide safe, reliable, economical transportation to and from the event. Our courteous professional drivers and clean, well-maintained buses can pick you up at the time and place of your choosing and bring you back when the fun is done.
Whether your group is of elementary, high school or college age - student or adult, our fully trained drivers and staff, as well as the variety of our fleet, ensures safe transportation to and from any destination.